miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014
Problem-solution composition - Pollution and global warming
jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2014
martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014
Outline - Distance Relationship
A. A little introduction about how do I feel and I think about this situation.
1. Although sometimes it is difficult to hold up, love is stronger than that.
2. I am proud of fighting for this relationship.
3. Some people thinks that it is crazy.
B. My situation in the distance relationship.
1. How far we are.
2. How often we meet.
II. What people normally think about distance relationship.
A. It is tought that it has no sense because They say I should take my youth instead of handle something without future.
B. Many people wouldn't be able to bear it. It has lot of cons.
1. You can't see your partner whenever you want.
2. There is not enough confidence.
3. Jelausy.
4. Different life styles.
C. I don't agree with them.
1. They haven't experimented it.
III. How it really feels like.
A. It is not always as perfect as I'd like.
1. Is awful when I don't know when I am going to see him again.
2. Homesickness.
B. Nonethless, I prefeer the positive part of this.
1. When I am with him, I live the moment intensely.
2. It is not like a normal relationship, which is not bad.
3. I have matured.
4. In this situation I have learned what is important, what I have to take care and that I have to fight for the things that I want and love.
IV. Conclussion.
A. As everything, it is not as perfect as I'd like.
B. If you are in love with somebody, you can handle everything.
lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014
The Impossible, a film which open our eyes.
miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014
Unusual things that I like.
I love watching films or TV programs in original version, not dubbed, which is not something usual in my country. In my opinion, not many people know the benefits of doing this. The original version can helps us to learn a different language and to get a better pronunciation and vocabulary. For instance, this is a little step to get a job since they usually ask us to know a second language. Not dubbed shows sometimes can be funny because of you can now in this way the real actors' voices. However, people don't usually watch original version TV programmes or series because sometimes the just want to enjoy the movie, not learn a language. I understand this position, but if they knew the other language, they would do both things at the same time. In other countries, they usually do that so I imagine that that's why most of them speak English fluently. To conclude, doing something unusual many times can be better for yourself.
Problem/Solution paragraph - Childhood Obesity

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014
Contrast paragraph: decision of study or not
martes, 14 de octubre de 2014
Opinion paragraph: Television

Describing paragraph: Favourite Place