miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015
Thesis statement
In my opinion, people is very obsessed with looking like a fashion magazine says or having the perfect weight.This is because we have created some stereotypes which condition our life style. Being thin, beauty and well-dressed sometimes is essential to find a job or being sociable. Forgetting that a person must be valued by how acts or thinks instead of how looks like is something negative.
sábado, 10 de enero de 2015
Introduction and conclusion - Lottery
Introduction: Most of people would like to be the jackpot winners. We live in a materialistic society, therefore winning lottery won't take away your problems, but it might make your life a little bit easier. However, we should use money earned carrefully and use it first in the most-needed things.
Conclusion: To sum up, earning lots of money could finish with some problems, such as pay the mortgage. Notwithstanding, some people have spent in a bad way their "prize" and the are now ruined. For that reason, we have to think about what are your preferences and be charitable with the ones who need the money, such as homeless, ONG's or hospitals.
Conclusion: To sum up, earning lots of money could finish with some problems, such as pay the mortgage. Notwithstanding, some people have spent in a bad way their "prize" and the are now ruined. For that reason, we have to think about what are your preferences and be charitable with the ones who need the money, such as homeless, ONG's or hospitals.
domingo, 4 de enero de 2015
First days at University (paragraph from September)
The first days at the University are being amazing. I've known lots of people who are very nice. This step has supposed a bid change to me since I have changed my home city and I can't see my old friends as much as I want. However, it doesn't mean that my new life is dissapointing me, in fact, I am so happy because I feel ready to be what I had always wanted to be.
Describe someone paragraph - (1-10-14)
My mother is the most important person for me and she is my main reference in life. I love her attitude as she's very strong and an hard-worker person. In addition, I am very grateful to her by her kindness to everybody in my family. She's been always there for taking care of us and for everything we needed. Moreover, my mother is a very attractive woman as she is a blonde, tall and beautiful miss. For that reason, I would like to look like my mother at her age.
viernes, 2 de enero de 2015
Happy new year!
First of all, I have to thank the 2014 for everything that it gave me. In that year, I have finished an very important phase of my life to begin the University. In addiction, in the last year I'd meet a lot of wonderful people, I've discovered what love really means and I learned how to take care for the ones around me. Definetly, I consider I've matured.
However, I can't come back to it, so I've to look to the great things that are expecting to me in 2015. I feel that it will be a great year, a book of 365 pages full of great moments, and a free of bad ones (I hope). I only ask 2015 to give me and the people around me healthy and happyness.
Also, it's a topic have purposes for 2015, these are mine:
* Do more excercise and have a more healthy life
* Try harder on things that I really want to get
* Keep taking care of the peple I love
* Travel to somewhere I've always wanted to visit
* Learn to drive
* Be more positive
* Start learning another language
I wish I get them, and I hope you to get yours too!

However, I can't come back to it, so I've to look to the great things that are expecting to me in 2015. I feel that it will be a great year, a book of 365 pages full of great moments, and a free of bad ones (I hope). I only ask 2015 to give me and the people around me healthy and happyness.
Also, it's a topic have purposes for 2015, these are mine:
* Do more excercise and have a more healthy life
* Try harder on things that I really want to get
* Keep taking care of the peple I love
* Travel to somewhere I've always wanted to visit
* Learn to drive
* Be more positive
* Start learning another language
I wish I get them, and I hope you to get yours too!

miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014
Problem-solution composition - Pollution and global warming
Pollution and global warming are considered a
world-wide problem. There are lots of types of contamination, such as the
light, acoustic, radioactive or air one, among others. As we can see, our
planet is being damaged in different ways, despite the attempt to end this
situation by creating Kyoto Protocol of 1997 or the appearance of groups as
green peace. The worst thing of this issue is that, polluting the planet, we
are polluting ourselves.
We have grown up in a society which considered
contamination acts as something habitual. Since lots of centuries ago, humans
have contaminated the environment merely burning coal or making a bonfire. Moreover,
now is usual see the vehicles exhaust fumes, factory smoke or spoiled water by throwing
chemical waste. What type of world are we creating for the future
generations? If we don’t transmit to our sons an environmental thinking
education, the planet will disappear before than we expect.
Obviously, this not only affects to the environmental,
it also influences to animals, vegetables and humans. All of us breathe the poisonous
car smoke or eat chemical fertilized vegetables. We are able to kill animals just to make real
fur coats or cutting down trees to make beautiful furniture. Accordingly, in
recent years there have been an increased number of respiratory and
carcinogenic diseases. As we can see, man's ambition is destroying the
environment and themselves.
Fortunately, through the years more and more factories
and people have contributed to curb with this problem. Since the Kyoto
Protocol, the industry sector has tried to regulate their pollution level. Moreover, recycling is a usual act or
hunting animals is being supervised. Nevertheless, there is still a high level
of pollution, so these are not enough. If only there were electric cars instead
of fuel contaminating cars or biodegradable materials, the pollution level would
be lower. All of us should contribute. Just in this way this issue will disappear
To sum up,
Earth is being attached by its own habitants. Although in last years this issue
is being treated, there is still a lot a work to do. All of us must to
contribute, not only for ending with contamination, also for keeping the future
generations free of this great problem.
jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2014
In this
report we will examine the different attitudes towards mobile phones. Last fifteen
years have supposed a great informatics key breakthrough. Accordingly, these devices
have become essential in our daily life. Nowadays, thanks to smartphones, we
can know how will be the weather like tomorrow or where did our friend go last
night. Notwithstanding, the dependence that it has created is considered as one
of the most important issue of nowadays society, mainly young people.
It is a
fact that smartphones have turned our life into a much easier one. With a
device that fit neatly in your pocket, you can forward messages whenever you
want or go online for access information that you need. Furthermore, with your
digital camera phone you’ll feel like you were photography amateur. It seems
like it is the greatest invention ever. Nonetheless, we should open our eyes
and see the issue which most of us have been involved in.
psychological researchers have discovered that our society is getting more and
more introverted since the smartphones apparition. Due to the fact that many
people prefer talking by whatsapp than talking face-to-face, they consider that
in a near future we won’t be able to empathize. This affects essentially to
young people as you. Most of the readers of this report couldn’t spend one day without
their mobile phone.
another con of the technologic time is that we have become available to
everyone. Our personal information could be known in anywhere through social
websites. For that reason, you must use them carefully. It is a fact that we
are completely absorbed by these networks but… Are we going to let a machine to
control our life? We mustn’t.
To sum up,
nowadays society, particularly young people should sometimes leave their phone
at home and life without being an electronic slave. If we use it adequately, we
will dominate them. We hope that this report will useful and we wish that you
contribute to finish with this situation.
This is a video that made me think about this situation:
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